Friday, August 5, 2011

What the world eats

food hungry canada This picure is the Melansons of Iqluit, Nunavut Territory in Canada.  I'll be this family and write a diary of what i ate.   Referance:,29307,1645016,00.html

    Title: What I ate.

 Oh my god...... I didn't know I ate this many on one weekend!!!!!
Even though we have 5 family members, I think it's too many.
We ate, fruits, vegetables, meat, cheese, milk, yogart, pizzas, eggs, snacks, and breads.
I found oud out  this is pretty good for our health because, we ate many vegetables and fruits. We didn't know how many we ate when we ate it, but now!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!
Next week, we'll eat more vegetablesand fruits for our health.

 Comments: I didn't know people eat that many foods in one week. I want to find out how many food our family eats in one week  and how many kalories. I was surprised when I saw a picture of Japanies food picture because they ate more than Canadians or Americans eat in one week.

About my cat

                                          썸네일This is not my cat.... But my cat is this kind of cat. My cat has short hair  and also she's a female. Her name is Treasure, she was born in 2010.3.10. Her color is gray, white, black and some of brown. 
 Now I'll talk about her personality(catality^^). She is VERY
active, and VERY haggard. For explanation, when I holdher about 7seconds, she bites me!!!! Sometimes for no reasons. When she's really mad, it bloods..... But I stilll love my cat Trasure~~

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A cat named Bell.

There was a girl who lived with a cat named Bell. The girl went on a picnic with her cat Bell. They lated tag together.When she was playing tag, she got bitten by a snake!!! The brave cat girl ate that snake. Unfortunatly, Bell also got poisoned by a snake before she ate it. So the girl called for help and Bell started to meow. But there no answer, thegirl started to faint and she called :
"what a bad picnic on June!!!!"
 Bell brought June soup to save the girl. Even though she was going to die. The girl ate thatand got okay... but Bell was all poisoned and Bell fainted when the girl woke up. The girl thought that the cat died because of her and started to cry until she fainted again. That was July.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Skill Post 1

 In writing class, our teacher gave us a mission "compareand contrast these 3camps.". The camps are, 'Camp Big Apple'(Apple), 'Ranch West Camp'(Ranch), 'Head Start Splash'(Splash). Our group chose 'Ranch West Camp' the best camp. I'll contrast and compare other 2camps to this camp.

 First,  Apple sleeps in th dormitory but the Ranch do home-stay. I think doing home-stay is good for us because we can learn English more easily. Instead, Apple can increase friendship and coaperations. Also, Apple studies for vocabulary and for SAT. I don't think SAT is not for elemantary school students and for middle school students. On the other hand, they can take SAT more easily and comfortable. However, Ranch can pick a subjet that we want to study. Therefor, we can focus on a subject and be an expert.

 Secondly, the similarities between Apple and Ranch are that we can't stay with one of our family members. Therefor,  we con learn socialskills or coaperations.

 Thirdly, I'll compare Ranch and Splash. In Splash, the teachers are local teachers. That is okay, but they won't know many things and qualities. Alos, they can live at least one parent. I think that s more safer than being with a family who doesn't know.

 Lastly, I'll contrast them. Their similarities are that study from local univerity teachers and live close to nature.

 Okay...I finished our mission. Afer doing it, I thought about differances and similarities. It was  difficult to find, but it was fun. Thank you Mr.R!!